ASureBet Boston Terrier Puppies

Planned Breedings
Simon X Bell
Our waiting list is now open after being temporarily closed down due to the overwhelming amount of inquiries.
Please contact us to be placed on the waiting list!
Hi and THANK YOU so much for your interest in ASureBet Bostons!

In order to get on our waiting list, you have to 'commit' by putting a deposit down on a future litter. This deposit insures you will receive a puppy from one of our future breedings, and goes towards the purchase price of your puppy. All puppies come with a genetic health guarantee, which covers genetic deafness, juvenile cataracts, and patellar luxation. Puppies are up-to-date on vaccinations, are micro-chipped, BAER tested, and have seen the Vet prior to release at 10 weeks.

I believe that breeding dogs is not a right, but a privilege and as such there are responsibilities incumbent upon anyone who undertakes to do so. These responsibilities include the stewardship of the breed. What benefits the overall health and welfare of the dogs must take precedence over what benefits the people.

Our Bostons live in the house with us, so we limit the number of dogs that we do have and limit litters available. Whether your needs are for a companion or a working/show dog, our pups are placed in homes under the premise that they are family members first, and secondly used for whatever job or activity that the owner requires.

So many times I hear prospective dog owners say, "I am only looking for a pet, I don't need a puppy from a breeder that shows dogs. I am not looking for a show dog." But it does matter! Those who love and are committed to the breed, have a responsibility to support and safeguard the future health and heritage of the dogs and their ancestors. Breeding or buying 'just a pet' will not do that. A breeder that does not health test or show their dogs is not passionate about the future of the breed and cannot, nor will they stand behind, the genetic health of the puppies they sell.

As a responsible breeder, it's my duty to research pedigrees and verify the health and outstanding qualities and any dreaded faults of particular lines. Breeding for one distinct trait or breeding simply to make money are both reprehensible practices. Breeding must entail the complete package, from nose to tail. Health, balance and symmetry enhance the quality of any dog.

My goal is to breed genetically sounder dogs with each generation who are true to the breed type and standard.

My foundation stock was chosen for health, long life, beauty and temperament. Our Boston's have highly researched blood-lines and are tested to exclude sub-luxated patellas, juvenile cataracts and deafness.

In my Bostons, my first focus is on health, as health should be the back bone of every breeding program. Our puppies are healthy, well-mannered, socialized family members that meet the BTCA standard.

I would love to talk more over the phone when you have time. I can be reached at 802-871-5146 (home) or 802-881-1238 (cell).


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Contact Info:
Joy Attwood-Howard
Westford, VT
Cell - 802-881-1238

ASureBet Boston Terriers and Joy Attwood-Howard

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