CH ASureBet's Destiny Still Arrives, ROM

(CanGCH AmCH Tayann Incredible Awesomeness X CH Campbell Clan & ASureBet's Working Girl)

DOB: 05/06/2019

aka: Thanos

Breeder/Owner - Joy Attwood-Howard

Thanos finished his AKC Championship undefeated
from the Bred By Exhibitor class in one weekend.

Thanos is BAER clear, Patella clear, CAER clear,
Cardiac clear, and JHC clear via parentage.

Thanos entered the ring for
the very first time at the
tender age of 9 months and
took WD, BW and a 5 point
major from the BBE class at
the Lakeland Winter Haven
KC show under judge
Mr. Arley D. Hussin
on February 14, 2020

Thanos'  Get
BIS GCHB ASureBet's Cheers To Onyx
CH ASureBet's Daddy's Lil Monster
MBISS GCHS Hancock's N  Grandview's Still Believin'
CH Hancock's N  Grandview's Absolutely!
CH ASureBet & Highridge's Just Do It!

ASureBet Boston Terriers and Joy Attwood-Howard

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